CBAE: Certified Buyer Agent Expert

Why this course is for you:
With this designation, you'll have the foundation to take control of your career, stand out in the market, and become a preferred choice for buyers.

In this course, you’ll learn how to:
  • Win more buyers with an unbeatable value proposition.
  • Excel in the new era of buyer representation with strategies you can immediately incorporate into your presentation and process.
  • Clearly differentiate your value with unique marketing materials.
  • Capture your buyer’s confidence through effective trust building
  • Build a firm foundation for your compensations discussion with your Unbeatable Value Proposition
You will receive:
  • 6 hours of professional training with RENI Certified Expert Instructors.
  • 70-page student workbook.
  • A proven system to help create your Unbeatable Value Proposition.
  • 15 unique forms, summaries, and worksheets to separate you from your competition.
  • The Certified Buyer Agent Expert (CBAE) designation.